

Acupuncture side-effects – what to expect?

After your acupuncture treatment, it’s not uncommon to experience some side effects known in Chinese medicine as a detoxing reaction. They are signs that the treatment was effective, rather than being a symptom of something wrong. They come with the curative effect for patients indicating that the body itself is adjusting or correcting as a result of the treatment. It is temporary, not everyone has it, or it can happen only once.

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9 Ways To Boost Your Immunity Naturally

With autumn just around the corner, so is the cold and flu season. Therefore now more than ever it is important to boost your immunity naturally. Your immune system never rests, it is constantly searching for cells that show signs of infection or cancerous changes. It doesn’t only stop sniffles away – it also protects you against potentially deadly diseases like H1N1 flu or cancer. Having a healthy lifestyle, with plenty of sleep and exercise, good stress control, healthy, nutritious diet and regular hand washing routine are best protective tactics that you can adopt.

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Fight cold and flu with tea!

It’s cold and flu season upon us. Everyone seems to be coming down with cold, flu or viral infection this time of the year. If you are looking for a natural and effective home remedy to fight an infection off, then look no further than ginger-brown sugar and cinnamon combo!Ginger, cinnamon and brown sugar are a traditional Chinese home remedy used to relief cold and flu symptoms.

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Indigestion – have you overindulged this Christmas?

Christmas is nearly over and New Year is just around the corner. It’s time for family get-togethers and parties with friends filled with delicious food and festive drink.

Eating large, fat meals (as you do during the celebration time!) often leads to indigestion, manifesting itself with: feeling of fullness, discomfort, belching, abdominal pain and bloating. Add to this a substantial dose of alcohol and you have a perfect recipe for wrecking your digestive system.

Are you already stuffed with stuffing, packed with chocolate and overflowing with mulled wine?

Since we still have few more festive days to come here are few simple tips that will help you get back on track and help your body recover from effects of overindulgence.

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Ease neck pain and stiffness (cervical spondylosis). It’s easy!

Cervical spondylosis (also known as neck arthritis) is a general term for age-related wear and tear affecting the spinal disks in your neck. As the disks dehydrate and shrink, signs of osteoarthritis develop, including bony projections along the edges of neck bones (bone spurs). Cervical spondylosis most often causes neck pain and stiffness.

This condition is very common and it worsens with age. It usually affects people in their 40s and over, however, patients with cervical spondylosis in their 20’s and 30’s are frequent nowadays, too.

Why does it happen? The reasons are simple:
– Sitting in front of computer for a long periods of time
– Stress
– Lack of knowledge of how to regulate and balance the symptoms when they start to appear

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Five Elements: Late Summer

Late summer is a hot and humid rainy season. This transitional season frequently starts out quite warm in mid-July, but then becomes cooler in August. Late Summer is the energy of the Earth. It’s time when Earth’s fruits and vegetables are ripening and getting ready for harvest.

From TCM point of view dampness and heat are among six pathogenic factors that affect our bodies. As ‘dampness goes into Spleen’ minding Spleen during late summer is the priority.

The nature of dampness is sticky, heavy and turbid. It is difficult to eliminate.
Once dampness combines with the heat and enters Spleen it leads to many digestive problems such as:
– Stuffy, distending feeling in the stomach area

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